Harness & Body Belt Inspection
Read More: Harness & Body Belt InspectionIf you repair or operate an order picker or aerial lift, it’s important to remember to check not only your vehicle you are going to use before you use it, but the harness that may save your life.
Forklift Overhead Guards
Read More: Forklift Overhead GuardsThe forklift overhead guard protects an operator from falling loads. Some overhead guards are designed to “crush and deflect.”
Pedestrian Safety Tips
Read More: Pedestrian Safety TipsPedestrians are involved in about 40% of all forklift accidents. There are many reasons for this, but one is – we have told pedestrians most of their lives that they have the right of way!
Using Forklift Extensions
Read More: Using Forklift ExtensionsPretty much, many of us use them. But, what do we need to know about them, other than the fact that they make our original forks longer?
8 Forklift Safety Hazards
Read More: 8 Forklift Safety HazardsA top prioroty for anyone managing forklift operations must be to uphold safety. What does this look like day-to-day?
Warehouse Lighting Requirements
Read More: Warehouse Lighting RequirementsPer OSHA, companies are required to provide a minimum of two lumens per square foot in areas with heavy equipment in use.
Forklift Operator Seat Ergonomics
Read More: Forklift Operator Seat ErgonomicsOne of the most important assets to your company is your group of dedicated employees and as the employer your goal is to reduce the risk of injury of your employees.
Why Conduct Safety Training?
Read More: Why Conduct Safety Training?Why do we train our Operators? Not only is it to save lives and cut down on injuries, it’s required by law!
Managing Worker Fatigue
Read More: Managing Worker FatigueOne of the best ways to make sure your business continues to flow and flow safely, is to make sure you and your employees avoid worker fatigue.
Top 10 OSHA Violations (2019)
Read More: Top 10 OSHA Violations (2019)Patrick Kapust, Deputy Director of OSHA’s Directorate of Enforcement Programs, presented the agency’s top 10 violations for the fiscal year of 2019.