“Our forklift repairs have increased and we have maxed out our budget only 6 months into the year. How do I determine which repairs are for normal wear and when the damage is caused by forklift abuse?”
When an operator or the application a forklift operates puts a forklift in a situation that causes equipment damage beyond normal wear and tear, it is considered forklift abuse. Some damage can be attributed to reckless driving. In other cases, an untrained operator will harm the forklift without realizing the damage caused.
Common Signals of Forklift Abuse
Tire marks on the floorClean patches on floor from white-marking tires pulling off dirtDents on the door frames, roof supports & delivery vehiclesMissing paint & impacts on the forklift counterweightPeeled or ripped stickers & safety decalsDamaged pallet rackBent or chipped forksShattered tail lights & turn signalCracked back-up lights & alarmFlat-spotted forklift tire tread, or out-of-round tires
It’s difficult to witness and correct unsafe or reckless driving at all times; however, you can begin to recognize forklift abuse with an audit of your equipment and facility.
Starting with the list of signals above, begin a checklist of forklift damages that seem outside the realm of normal wear. For your forklift, consider the age of the unit and how many hours it operates each day. To document damage, take pictures of the forklift or facility. A picture solidifies the time and date of known damage and can be shared easily with co-workers.
Forklift abuse comes with a high price tag that includes service repairs, destroyed product and facility damage. In addition to regular communication about forklift audits, you can increase safe operation with forklift safety training.
Have you spotted unsafe forklift operation at your facility? Contact Thompson & Johnson to schedule a forklift safety class here. We can train any employee that operates your forklift or your on-site trainer.
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