Justifying the cost and the time needed to conduct safety training for your forklift fleet can be a struggle. It’s easy to lean on the federal law using OSHA as a scare tactic or to use a guilt factor, encouraging others in the company to focus on their employees’ health and survival. Both arguments can be powerful, but there are other benefits of forklift safety training.
A trained operator is a more productive operator. Understanding the design, capabilities and limitations of a forklift will impact an operator’s performance. Being educated about the rules and the reason they exist will impact performance. Effective training is the foundation to building an individual’s skill, creating precise movements with little time or energy wasted.
Higher Job Satisfaction
Stress can have a profound effect on not only productivity, but job satisfaction. Operators who better understand their forklift, potential obstacles within the facility and company expectations have lower stress levels and are happier at work.
Damage Reduction
The more information operators have about the safe operation of a forklift, the better they will understand their responsibilities. This knowledge results in a decrease of damage to your product, machine and facility. Be aware of your budget allocation for damage throughout the year and investigate reasons for the recorded accidents and damages. It is possible the majority of instances could have been prevented with safer operation.
Insurance Costs
Workers’ compensation coverage is based on industry risk and is expensive for many companies. However, many insurance providers for buildings, products and machinery will reduce general insurance rates if a company has updated, ongoing training in compliance with the law.
Ensuring your employees survive the day without injury continues to be the primary reason to invest in forklift safety training, but reviewing additional benefits show it is worth the investment of time and money. Schedule a Safety Training Class by contacting our OSHA and Safety Expert Dave Bennett here or read more about our classes here.
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