Avoid OSHA Fines

Avoiding OSHA fines not only helps the bottom line but also increases safety. Nobody wants costly fines and hurt employees. We encourage you to keep reading to learn 3 ways you can avoid OSHA fines.

New rules now in effect have increased the fine to $15,625. When it comes to willful and repeat violations, penalties have gone up from $70,000 to $153,259 per violation. For small or medium-sized businesses, it could spell the end.

A few steps toward avoiding these costly, damaging fines:

1. Empower Employees!

Develop a culture where employees are encouraged to speak up, without fear of retribution, about potential safety hazards and concerns. For example, employees in health, safety or construction, are often the ones in the field and on the ground, and may see things management doesn’t.

2. Embrace Technology!

Stay on top of current regulations and workplace inspections by leaning on mobile technology, which can help reduce the number of dollars and time spent on outdated processes and inefficient paperwork. Using a mobile app for workplace inspections provides teams with the tools and information they need at their fingertips.

3. Be Prepared!

By developing a plan early, everyone, from management to employees, is prepared when the time comes for an inspection. Just like practicing for a fire drill in school, when everyone is better informed and well-prepared to go through an inspection, nerves are calmed, employees are equipped and inspections are organized.

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